Friday, February 12, 2010

Fanboy Black History #17: Steel & Cyborg

Today's entry is a double-shot that stays in the realm of DC Comics. Both of these brothers have a knack for the machinery. One became popular during the whole "Death of Superman" saga and the other was a member of DC's X-Men version: Teen Titans. As a complete aside, I think Marvel is to DC as Coca-Cola is to Pepsi. Essentially they are the same thing, but folks have a different particular feelings and fondness for either either brand. Hey, there's also RC Cola. That might be another company (i.e: Image). Anyway, Steel (alias John Henry Irons), was a of weapons engineer for an evil company, who after having his life saved by Superman, began to use his mechanical skill for good. He created a bulletproof, hydraulic-powered suit that mimicked super-human strength. Please do not take the awful film, STEEL, starring Shaquille O'Neal as a true measure of the character's worth.

The other metal-man sharing the day is Cyborg. To be honest, I don't know much about the character's history, but the superhero Cyborg (Victor Stone) was a unfortunate product of his scientist parents' mishap in a laboratory. Half-man and half-machine, Cyborg has been a part of two superhero groups (JLA and Teen Titans). His character has appeared in the Smallville television series, the Teen Titans cartoon, and the classic Superfriends show. All in all, both characters needed more press, and today was there day. Cling Clang!

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